All you need is 5 minutes…

Writing is tough.

We all know that.

Don’t be so hard on yourself… you tell yourself you’re going to write for an hour a day, you tell yourself you’ll write 1000 words a day…

Then life happens and what you told yourself gets derailed.

Where I’m going with this is something we all know, that all the experts say to do…but we often lose sight of… Just write for 5 minutes.

A few things will play out here… first, you can do anything for 5 minutes.

Second, you’ll keep going longer than 5 minutes.

Lastly… and most important… 5 minutes is an achievable, repeatable goal.

This can be your minimum goal that you can use to springboard your work to greater levels of accomplishment.

So stop reading this post and go bang on the keyboard for 5 minutes.

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