We’re all trying to be happy…

we all know what makes us happy, but we’re not doing those things that make us happy…you know why?  Because we’re too busy trying to be happy.

Happiness isn’t a place you arrive at after soul searching, reading blogs and meditating.  Happiness is something you decide – no matter the circumstances -there are people with much less than you who are happier than you, and you don’t know how they do it.

Neither do they … they just do it.  Let’s quit taking ourselves so seriously and be who we want to be instead of thinking about being who we want to be.

So, go be happy, fire it up, and enjoy the holiday.



Listened to a podcast interview a Navy Seal, here’s one thing that will stick…

He said many things, and these guys are obviously heroes and of a different caliber than us every day people.  However, the interviewer asked him… “So what can you tell us common people, we’re probably not ever going to be Seals, but we can learn from you, give us your best wisdom that can be applied.”

Without missing a beat, his reply was:

“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

That my friends, is life.  We’re constantly trying to undo mistakes and create opportunities, and make life convenient and smooth.

Well, it’s not always that way -if you embrace that… you can be a winner, if you complain about it, it’ll still be there.

Now, go do something that makes you uncomfortable and fire it up.